WebDav (Web-base Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that allows clients to perform remote Web content authoring operations.
Why choose WebDAV?
- Operating system integration
- Open source
- Close integration with web services
- Version Control
- Transport encryption
- Remote access
- Centralized storage
- File locking
WebDAV as a microservice
WebDAV Protocol Methods
- COPY copy a resource
- MOVE move a resource
- MKCOL create a collection, for example, a folder
- PROPFIND retrieve properties stored as XML
- PROPPATCH change and/or remove properties
- LOCK put a lock on a resource
- UNLOCK remove a lock from a resource
WebDAV server
WebDAV client
Access by web browser
Map Network Drive in Windows
Build WebDAV server with Apache
Enable DAV mod (in httpd.conf)
Create User & Password (in webdav.conf)
Configure WebDAV folder (in webdav.conf)
- Provide a simple solution for file storage
- Support many clients
- Strong support authentication, file locking, versioning
- Free
- Easy to use